Health Office
Health Office Hours:
Monday- Friday 7:30 am-4:00 pm
School Nurse:
Annalise Morgan Lizarraga
714.536.2514 x 51430
Monday- Friday 7:30 am-4:00 pm
School Nurse:
Annalise Morgan Lizarraga
714.536.2514 x 51430
Health Clerk
Susie Schopp
714.536.2514 x 51429
A friendly reminder - If your child is sick, please instruct him/her to go to the health office and the nurse will contact the parents to pick up the student. Below is our school policy for your reference:
Procedure for Leaving School for Illness: All students who wish to leave school due to illness must check out through the health office. Students are required to have a pass signed by their teachers in order to check into the health office. Health office personnel will then do an assessment of the student's condition. If the assessment reveals a demonstrable illness precluding class attendance, we will try to reach a parent first, then other responsible adults specified by the parent on the emergency card. Students will not be released from school without permission from one of the adults as specified on the emergency card. Without evidence of a demonstrable illness, the student will be sent back to class.